Soukaku, known affectionately as the “Glutton” within Section 6, presents a deceptively childlike simplicity coupled with a fierce prowess in combat. Despite her youthful demeanor and innocent outlook, Soukaku is a formidable agent whose enemies often underestimate her at their peril.
This blend of fierce combat skills and childlike innocence makes her a unique and memorable member of her team.
Childlike Innocence with a Warrior’s Spirit
Soukaku’s educational challenges add a layer of complexity to her character. She struggles with reading and writing, which sometimes leads to humorous mispronunciations that endear her to her colleagues and add light-hearted moments to her otherwise intense life. However, her lack of formal education does not hinder her sharp tactical abilities in the field. Like the boy in “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” Soukaku has a knack for pointing out truths that others might miss, showing that wisdom often comes from unexpected sources.
Talents in the Field
In combat, Soukaku utilizes her unique ability, “Blade Furry,” which increases her stagger damage significantly when she is in the Scarlet Banner state. Her arsenal includes a heavy Ether blade that not only devastates enemies but can also, amusingly, be used to cut sashimi—a testament to her love for food. Additionally, her “Experimental Charging Module” talent allows her to gather energy during battle, which she equates to charging up for a meal.