Corin Wickes, a quirky yet dedicated agent from Victoria Housekeeping, joins the fray in Zenless Zone Zero with an unconventional twist on traditional housekeeping. Known for her unique choice of cleaning tools, Corin is a standout character who brings both charm and a dash of humor to the battlefield. Contrary to typical expectations, her primary tool is not a broom or even a vacuum but a notably aggressive electric chainsaw, artfully disguised as housekeeping equipment. This unexpected gadget not only emphasizes her eccentric personality but also her readiness to delve into combat under the guise of performing her cleaning duties.
In combat, Corin’s playful and seemingly innocent demeanor belies a fierce warrior capable of dealing significant damage. Her talent, “Atomic Smash,” allows her to gain penetration bonuses when her attacks hit multiple enemies, illustrating her ability to handle swarms of adversaries efficiently. Corin’s battle style is a blend of precision and whimsy, as seen in her “Hyperfocus” ability, which increases her critical hit rate when she remains stationary during attacks, demanding focus amidst chaos. These abilities highlight her methodical approach to combat, mirroring the precision she might apply to meticulous cleaning tasks.
Despite her youthful appearance and light-hearted nature, Corin is depicted as a responsible and reliable teammate. She ensures that no companion suffers under her watch, embodying the protective instincts of a true guardian disguised as a maid. Her skills extend beyond mere cleaning; they translate into a metaphorical cleansing of threats in the game’s environment. Her “Heart and Soul” talent, where enemies hit by her attacks are marked, allowing her to deal extra damage to these targets, showcases her commitment to thoroughness, whether it’s cleaning or combat. Corin’s blend of duty, combat prowess, and unexpected weapon choice makes her a memorable character in the game’s diverse lineup of agents.