Billy Kid, a charismatic cyborg and a notable member of the Cunning Hares in Zenless Zone Zero, combines a love for theatrics with formidable combat skills. Often seen channeling his favorite television heroes, the Starlight Knights, Billy’s demeanor is as flashy as it is fun. His personality radiates through every aspect of his life, from his playful banter to the way he handles his beloved custom-made revolvers, affectionately referred to as “the girls.” Despite his relaxed and often humorous exterior, Billy’s prowess in battle is anything but a joking matter, as he seamlessly switches from playful to potent when the situation demands seriousness.
From Fanboy to Fearsome Fighter
Billy’s talents as an agent are a direct extension of his dual nature. His primary ability, “Starlight Ballistics,” allows him to deal devastating damage at close range, with the damage increasing the closer he is to his target. This ability showcases his flair for dramatic, high-impact confrontations, embodying the bravado of the Starlight Knights he adores. Additionally, his “Dazzling Entrance” not only captivates his allies and enemies alike but also replenishes his energy, making him ready to continue the fight longer and more effectively. These abilities reflect his ability to maintain high energy and enthusiasm in both combat and social interactions.
A Loyal Knight in Shining Armor
Despite his tendency to treat life like a scene from a superhero show, Billy’s loyalty and reliability are unquestionable. His skill “Roaming Gunslinger” enhances his dodging capabilities, reflecting his agility and tactical acumen in avoiding threats while dealing counter damage. Moreover, “Starlight Hero,” another of his signature skills, amplifies his attack power for each enemy hit, stacking dramatically in large skirmishes. This ability resets upon taking damage or at combat’s end, which encourages a bold, aggressive style that Billy embodies both in spirit and action. Through his actions and ideals, Billy Kid proves that behind the facade of a fanboy lies a hero ready to stand up for his team and ideals, making him a valuable asset to the Cunning Hares and an unforgettable character in the game.