Soldier 11 stands as a formidable force within the ranks of “Zenless Zone Zero,” marking her territory as an S-rank agent within the OBOLS Squad. Specializing in Fire anomaly and slash damage, she dominates the battlefield with her ability to unleash intense heat and controlled destruction. Her fighting style is particularly lethal at close ranges, where she can maximize the impact of her fire-based attacks across small areas, effectively neutralizing multiple targets simultaneously. The core of her combat effectiveness lies in her unique Fire Suppression mechanic, which allows her to supercharge her basic attacks through precise timing, enhancing them with devastating fire attributes.
Mastering the Art of Fire Suppression
The key to unlocking Soldier 11’s full potential is mastering her Fire Suppression system. This technique requires players to engage in a rhythmic play style, timing their attacks in sync with her abilities to maximize damage output. When performed correctly, this not only enhances her own capabilities but also synergizes well with other fire agents on her team. This synergy becomes particularly advantageous in team setups where multiple sources of burn are beneficial, as it allows for continuous energy regeneration, keeping Soldier 11 primed and ready to unleash her fiery wrath.
Building the Ultimate Fire DPS
As a high-impact DPS agent, Soldier 11’s effectiveness on the field is greatly enhanced by proper equipment and team configuration. Optimal builds for Soldier 11 should focus on maximizing her attack stats and enhancing her fire damage capabilities. The selection of W-Engines, Disc Drives, and Bangboo should complement her natural strengths, amplifying her ability to deal sustained fire damage. Furthermore, when building teams, it’s advantageous to pair her with at least one other fire agent to make the most of her utility skills, which thrive on the application of burn effects.