Rina, a distinguished agent from Victoria Housekeeping, introduces an elegant yet formidable presence in “Zenless Zone Zero.” As an S-rank character, her unique ability to float rather than walk gives her an ethereal quality that sets her apart in the battlefield. Utilizing her two puppets, Drusilla and Anastasia, Rina specializes in delivering ranged strike and electric damage from a distance. This capability allows her to maintain a safe gap between herself and her adversaries, strategically controlling the pace and flow of combat with her precise and electrically charged attacks.
Graceful Combatant with a Strategic Edge
Rina’s combat style is as much about grace as it is about aggression. Her floating movement and wide dodging arc make her exceptionally difficult to pin down, providing her with superior maneuverability and positioning advantages. This mobility is crucial for her role as a support DPS, where she not only deals damage but also enhances her team’s capabilities. Her puppets are not merely tools for attack but are integral to her ability to buff team members, making her an invaluable asset in any team-oriented electric-based setup.
The Harmonic Guardian
Beyond her tactical prowess, Rina’s thematic elements are deeply intertwined with musical motifs, which resonate throughout her gameplay and character story. Each of her abilities and attacks is named after a classical music piece, reflecting the rhythmic and flow-based nature of her fighting style. From “A Midsummer Night’s Dance” to “Silent Sonata Pathetique,” the titles of her skills suggest a blend of combat and ballet, with each move executed with the precision and beauty of a dance performance. This blend of aesthetics and utility makes Rina a captivating character whose presence is as striking in narrative as it is in combat, echoing the themes of elegance and effectiveness that define her role within the game.